
校规(School Rule)

作者:邬苏杭 2015-11-28

校规(School Rule) 1、 We dont walk on the grass. 2、 We dont pick flowers. 3、We dont destroy our tables and chairs. 4、We cant fight in the school. 5、We cant throw things in the school. 6、We cant speak other people swearword. 7、We should comity in the class. 8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day. 9、We should respect each other. 10、We shouldnt take any toys in the school. 11、We shouldnt take any foods in the school. 12、We shouldnt play dangerous games. 13、We cant run in the school aisles. 14、We cant spit saliva in the school. 15、We should observe school discipline. 16、We shouldnt pilfer things in the school.

友情链接: 在线汉语字典 中国教育考试网 中华人民共和国教育部 学信网 人民网教育 中国教育发展基金会

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