

作者:姚睿 2019-08-14

 Please read the following article to understand real-time news.

 Eating more fruit, particularly blueberries, apples and grapes, is linked to a reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes, suggests a study in the British Medical Journal.

Blueberries cut the risk by 26% compared with 2% for three servings of any whole fruit - but fruit juice did not appear to have the same effect.

    Researchers from the UK, US and Singapore used data from three large studies of nurses and health professionals in the US to examine the link between fruit consumption and the risk of contracting type-2 diabetes.

   In these studies, 6.5% of participants (12,198 out of 187,382) developed type-2 diabetes.


While all fruit was shown to reduce the risk, these fruits appeared to be particularly effective.

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