
The Little Girl and The Fox(狐狸和小女孩)

作者:沈钰峰 2016-11-25

Long long ago, there lived a little girl named Ivy. She lived in the woods with her sister and her mother.

One day, her mother told her she was old enough to go to school. So the next morning, Ivy’s sister helped her pack lunch. Meanwhile, a hungry fox saw Ivy’s lunch, he wanted to eat it. So after Ivy left the house, the fox thought of a plan.

Ivy’s mother told her to follow the stone path to school. The fox quickly dug a huge and deep hole and he covered it with leaves and twigs. Ivy came to the hole, she didn’t know it was a trap. She kicked a rock and it landed on the pile of leaves and twigs. Suddenly, the leaves and the twigs fell and made a huge sound. The fox was furious; he knew he had to make a second plan.

It was afternoon, Ivy was still not at school. She was lost. She sat down and cried. The fox saw Ivy crying and he felt sorry for her. So he went to Ivy and apologized. Ivy accepted it, and gave him a sandwich. Together they went out of the forest.

They finally found the school, and they became the best friends.

You can change and be nice, and the person will be nice to you too!

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